Wednesday, October 29, 2014

November Inspirements

November Newsletter:
What holds my attention holds me…
I have to admit that “focus” is not one of my strengths. I often find myself having to ask someone to repeat themselves because my mind had wandered from what they were saying! I worry that it seems like I don’t care, but I do - it is just that my mind jumps from thought to thought so fast that I have a hard time keeping it still. It is also the reason I leave things in random places and can never find my keys.

I am excited to learn more about how to focus this month! I get so easily distracted, that I want to see what others focused on and how their lives turned out.  I also want to learn from their examples what it was that helped them focus and how I can do the same!

Since “what holds my attention holds me”, I want to be able to focus my attention on doing what my Savior would have me do! If my attention is held on him, then I can look forward to being held in His arms someday and to hear the words, “Well done.” I look forward to learning with you how I can keep the right things in my focus in this distracting world and live life to its fullest! It’s going to be a great month.

Love, Sister Bates

Image from

7 – Friday: Temple Trip; Master Class 7-9 at Pack home
13 - Thursday: Family Service activity 5-8
21 – Friday: Guest Speaker/Movie Night 6-10pm

4- Thursday: Temple Trip; Master Class 7-9 at Pack home
6 – Saturday: Parent Mentor Meeting 8-9am at Johnson home
10 – Wednesday: Final Day of Vanguard 9:30-12 – Mid Year Simulation

Scripture: (or pick your own favorite “focus” scripture to memorize)
“Remember the great and last promise which I have made unto you; cast away your idle thoughts and your excess of laughter far from you. Therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God, and the days will come that you shall see him; for he will unveil his face unto you, and it shall be in his own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will." –Doctrine &Covenants 88:69,68


Poem: What Dark Days Do
by Everard Jack Appleton

I sorter like a gloomy day,
        Th' kind that jest _won't_ smile;
      It makes a feller help hisself
        T' make life seem wuth while.
      When sun's a-shinin' an' th' sky
        Is washed out bright an' gay,
      It ain't no job to whistle--but
        It is--
          When skies air gray!

      So gloomy days air good fer us,
        They make us look about
      To find our blessin's--make us count
        The friends who never doubt,
      Most any one kin smile and joke
        And hold blue-devils back
      When it is bright, but we must work
        T' grin--
          When skies air black!

      That's why I sorter _like_ dark days,
        That put it up to me
      To keep th' gloom from soakin' in
        My whole anatomy!
      An' if they _never_ come along
        My soul would surely rust--
      Th' dark days keeps my cheerfulness
        From draggin'
          In th' dust!

Theme: What Holds My Attention Holds Me
Words: Focus, Remember, Charity and Decision
Area of Study: Civil War/Reconstruction

Do the following 5 things every week to prepare for Vanguard:
1. Vision/goals (by Saturday),
2. Plan (by Saturday),
3. Study (all week),
4. Testify (by Monday) and
5. Refine (1-6 weeks)

Expected Study:

Study (#3)
Project (#5)

Study (#3)
Project (#5)
Deadline: 2pm: Post Connections (#4) 
9 pm: Comment on others’ connections (#4)
Vision  (#1)
Plan (#2)
Study (#3)
Deadline: 2pm: Post Word Study (#1) thoughts
9 pm: Comment on others (#1)
Study (#3)
Project (#5)

Study (#3)
Project (#5)

1 Vision/goals:
Week 1:
A. Research: “Focus” or a similar word of your choosing by reading the links below.  As you read, consider: “What are the right things to focus on and how do I stay focused on them?”
Read and take notes on the following:
     -1828 definition
     -Research “focus” or your own word in a way of your choosing (for example - you can look at    for articles/videos/images/scriptures)

B. Write: Your personal definition about what focus or a similar word means to you and how you can do better (consider making it one of your 6 goals this month). Post it on the Discussion blog under “Focus Word Study” then comment on someone else’s thoughts.

C. Apply: Read Putting on the Armor of God Chapter 12 (we are skipping chapter 11, but it would be a good chapter to discuss with your parents if they approve of you reading it).  And answer the following question as you apply it to your life: Pick a strategy of defense to focus on this week. How did it help you? How else can focus be used to defend yourself from the adversary? Put your goals in a place you can mark them off each day. Again, consider having a goal about focus as one of your 6 goals (for example, my personal goal this month to help me focus on God is going to be to ask Heavenly Father every morning for something He would have me do that day, write it down, and then make sure I do it.)  Fill out a lost battle analysis if you don’t complete all of your goals on one of the days.

D. Memorize: Put your memorization page somewhere you can see it often. Be working on your memorization

Week 2:
A. Research: “Charity” or a similar word of your choosing. Consider: How does charity help me stay focused on things that matter most? How do I develop it?
Read and take notes on the following:
     -1828 definition
     -Hebrew letter Gimmel: Jim Staley video to 29:11
     -Research “Charity” or your own word in a way of your choosing (include some scriptures and words of the prophets in your research)

B. Write: A favorite quote or scripture about Charity and why you liked it along with what Charity means to you and how you can work on it this week. Post it on the discussion blog and comment on 3 other people's thoughts by Saturday
C. Apply: Refine and work on your 6 goals - consider having a goal about charity and focus as one of your goals. Fill out a lost battle analysis if you don’t complete all of your goals on one of the days.

D. Work on your memorization

Week 3:
A. Research: “Remember” or a similar word of your choosing by reading the links below. As you read, consider: How can I keep Christ in my mind? How can I remember Him always?
Read and Take Notes on the Following:
     -1828 Dictionary
     -Learn the word “remember” in Hebrew 1) Intro 2) More in depth article about it (read as much as interests you):
     -Read some articles/scriptures that interest you from this link: How Do I Keep My Covenant to Always Remember the Savior?

B. Write: A favorite quote or scripture about "Remember" and why you liked it along with what "Remember" means to you and how you can work on it this week. Post it on the discussion blog by Thursday at 2pm and comment on 3 other people's thoughts by Thursday at 9pm.

C. Apply: Read Putting on the Armor of God Chapter 13 and answer the following question as you apply it to your life: Find something in your life that you want to change. As you take read the chapter, take note of what you need to do to help you make this change. What does it have to do with remembrance? Refine and Work on your 6 goals. Fill out a lost battle analysis if you don’t complete all of your goals on one of the days.

D. Work on your memorization

Week 4:
Research: “Decide” or similar word of your choosing. Consider: “How will focus help me make right decisions?”

Read and take notes on the following:
     -1828 definition
     -Learn about the letter Tet – watch this video or learn about it in another way
     -Research additional articles/scriptures from this link: How can I learn to make my own decisions?

B. Write: A favorite quote or scripture about "Decide" and why you liked it along with what "Decide" means to you and how you can work on it this week. Post it on the discussion blog by Thursday at 2pm and comment on 3 other people's thoughts by Thursday at 9pm.

C. Apply: Read Putting on the Armor of God Chapter 14 and answer the following question as you apply it to your life: What decision can you make that will show God your willingness to change and allow Him to give you the power to do so? Refine and work on your 6 goals - Fill out a lost battle analysis if you don’t complete all of your goals on one of the days.

D. Finish memorizing the monthly poem (or as much of it as you and your parent agree on)

 2. Plan:

Meet with one of your parents about what you feel inspired to study this week and what they feel inspired that you need. Together, choose books and make a plan about how to study. See some study ideas below

3. Study  
1) Read Up from Slavery OR Uncle Tom’s Cabin: (both also on librivox) - take note of what different characters focused on and how that influenced the outcome of their freedom or bondage.

Week 1: Read Up from Slavery chapters 1-4 OR Uncle Tom’s Cabin chapters 1-11
Week 2: Read Up from Slavery chapters 5-8 OR Uncle Tom’s Cabin chapters 12-23
Week 3: Read Up from Slavery chapters 9-12 OR Uncle Tom’s Cabin chapters 24-35
Week 4: Read Up from Slavery chapters 12-17 OR Uncle Tom’s cabin chapters 36-45

2) Work on Your other Studies
Some Study Ideas:
Mathematics: The number 3 – some resources: Beginner’s guide to Constructing the Universe chapter 3, Beginner’s Guide video, God Saw that it was Good chapter 3. Topical Guide: Number 3, Stories of Mathematicians or Scientists (like Mathematicians are People Too).
Literature: Red Badge of Courage, The Alliance by Lund, Shades of Gray by Reeder
History: How to overcome bondage by what you are focused on:  The Civil War and Post-Civil War Era – the background, their guns, battles, weapons, tactics (what worked and what didn’t).
People: Lincoln, Grant or Lee; and family stories about people being focused on the right or wrong things
Science: How do telescopes, microscopes or cameras work? How do your eyes work? Why do things orbit a central point (planets, atoms, galaxies, etc) – what keeps them there and what moves them away? Learn about Darwin (he was very focused!) or read the Origin of Species.
Psychology: Books on concentration or on the power of the mind such as Mindset by Dweck or The Memory Book
Government: Finish “What would the Founding Fathers Think?” or study the focus of different governments – what are they hoping to accomplish with that focus?
Art and Music: Study Artists and their Art or Musicians and their music. How did focus help them?
3) Don’t forget to work on skills you would like to improve!
Turn the Page Chapters 9-12 (works best if you work on one per week)
Drawing Book to lesson 15
What Makes it Great chapter 3
Math, Writing, Speech, Programming, Interior Design, Science, ACT prep, Language, Musical Instrument, whatever you and your parents feel inspired that you need!

Choose a way and plan a time to teach others about what you learn from your studies this week: Put it on the discussion blog by Tusday at 2pm  and share it on one other way (write a blog post on your own blog, google +, FHE, youtube, family devotional, etc). Comment on 3 other people's posts by Tuesday at 9pm.

1) Learn a new tool about how to lead/mentor the truth you are learning (great tools can be found in Preach My Gospel, Teaching No Greater Call, teaching videos or another leadership or mentoring book/skill of your choice).
2) Be working on a project that will help others see the truth you are learning. This project can take anywhere from 1-6 weeks – you and a parent can decide how long you need. Report your progress to your parent and get their feedback. Show or explain your finished project to Sis. Bates. If you wish to present it in Vanguard, let Sis. Bates know so she can give you feedback and plan a time for you to present it.

·         Write a paper or a story
·         Plan a game or activity
·         Make a video or art piece
·         Present an object lesson
·         Invent or program something
·         Create or build something
·         Write poetry or music
·         Anything that will share the things you want to share about what you are studying in an inspiring way!

By the way, if you haven’t found anything you want to share, then you haven’t made it a part of you yet – really work on doing something with what you are learning and the desire to share will follow! Be aware that you may start several projects before you decide on one you want to finish and share.
Prayerfully choose one or more classes that will help you strengthen your weaknesses and refine your strengths. 
Writing, General Science, Biology, Physics, Principles of Liberty, Great Books, Greatness Within, Speech/Debate, or write your own class with a parent

Lincoln  Hypothesis
See Master Class blog for weekly assignments


  1. I couldn't get the first link for the Hebrew word remember to work. Is it just me?

    1. I think I fixed it Racheal, does it work now?

  2. I taught my Bro a little bit of how to find, and get names for the Temple.
